Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday's Grey (And Wednesday Too!)

Lying out, nerd-ily mapping out the stars atop a half-unzipped sleeping bag, all while forgetting we're in a public park and there is some sketchy dog walker lurking around the bend.
Sharing a first kiss after the big football win as snowflakes gently fall around us, on us.
Furtively holding hands during the gooiest of songs at an outdoor concert, stealing knowing glances with each slight grip.

These are isolated events. And although our mating rituals now revolve completely around the local watering hole (devoid of all things warm and tingly, replaced with hot and sticky), we should take into account the importance of the ever-elusive "romance". The word itself is laughable, much like the varied attempts at it. I suppose it's because the "right" result is accidental. Or rather, feels accidental (enough). This is unfortunate, because not trying (i.e. waiting for the 'accident') is poor form. I refer, of course, to the "moment". The "gesture", of course, does require effort -- it is the effort.
(I'll finish this later.)

Romance is the umbrella term for the moments, gestures, and (often subsequent) feelings associated with the big L. (As opposed to the little l, which has its own, deceptively similar shenanigans to manage.)
(This too.)

Many have suggested that the feelings are there simply to cause problems. Easily tricked and confused with related conditions, such as a stomach ache or an anxiety attack. Is it lust? love? like? Some combination of these? I love your sense of style - want to rip off your shirt -- I think you're okay sometimes?
(...aaaand this.)

One of the Big 3 (religions) wisely suggested that one's life mate should stimulate the mind, eye, and heart. One of the most renowned sex educators of our time had a similar take: the relationship should have intellectual, emotional, and physical intimacy. But what if one branch is picking up the others' slack? What if the best possible score is simply a 2 out of 3?

I'm looking for inspiration. Triple-inspiration.
(Just don't be boring.)

(As an aside aside, you should probably know my absence is partially caused by my cheating on you with tumblr. I can't help it; it has pictures. Pretty ones.)

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